All designs, products, and ideas are the property of, and are used with the permission of Outrageous Ventures Inc
Coin Holders

The Coin Holder are meant to open like a card so it can sit on a table, desk, or counter and has spots for up to $5 in quarters. The outside front is for the name of the group or cause the donations are for. The back is for the name of the person collecting the donations. The design can be generic or customized with a personal or design.
Fund Raising Scratch Cards

The scratch cards were a fun design based on the popular lottery scratch cards. The idea being a person scratches off one the spaces on the front revealing the amount of their donation. I kept the designs simple, fun, and easy to understand. I chose fonts that are commonly associated with the activities to make it more easily recognizable what organizations you fundraising for.
Penalty Donation Box

The donation box is a fun way for kids to fundraise at home. Easy to assemble with fun cartoon like graphics and easy to read fonts. Once filed the box is returned to school, or afternoon program.
Toilet Flocking

A variation on Flamingo Flocking. A fun way to fundraise in your neighborhood. A flock of toilets would go on a neighbors lawn overnight. When they woke, they would see their lawn covered with pink toilets that would require a donation to the organization the fundraising is for to have the toilets removed.
Hot pink toilets with a bouquet of brightly colored flowers. One of the more interesting designs I've come up with. I went with a fun, friendly design that would unmistakably stand out on your neighbors lawn.